Saturday, 8 November 2014

The Liebster Award Post!

Hey guys!

Today I'm doing the Liebster Award tag/post whatever you'd like to call it! I was nominated by my friend Lauren at The Beauty Ideal. I was also nominated a while back by Claire at Fine and Dandy but completely forgot!

I thought considering i'm still trying to juggle university/blogging/work/life in general.. I'd try an easy post to keep me going. I'm not sure if it's just me but I find when I've been away from blogging for a while, it's super hard to get back into it but once I have, I don't want to stop! I guess I just need to be more organised.

So let's get onto it.....

The Rules;
1. Post 11 facts about you.
2. Answer the 11 questions set by the blogger who nominated you.
3. Nominate 11 blogs with under 200 followers.
4. Link your nominees to the post.
5. Create 11 questions for your nominees to answer.
6. Let the nominees chosen know they've been tagged.

My 11 Facts;

1. I've been vegetarian for almost 9 years
2. I'm 21, my birthday is in August so I've always been the youngest in the group!
3. I've had every hair colour made in my hair at some point, most being my scene phase in high school. MEMORIES.
4. I've had a total of 12 piercings, not including the ones that have been taken out and repierced
5. Earlier this year I ran 10k in the Manchester Great North Run for S.O.P.H.I.E
6. I have 6 tattoos at the moment adding up to around 17 hours
8. One of my favourite films is Baz Luhrmann's version of Romeo and Juliet, I could quote it for days.
9. I cried for a good few hours when I found out My Chemical Romance split up
10.I study BA (Hons) Fashion Design and Realisation at Leeds College of Art, currently in my second year.
11. I'm addicted to Horror/Thriller/Supernatural films, it's my favourite genre but I do indulge in a few guilty pleasures like Bridget Jones and Legally Blonde.

My 11 Questions Set By Lauren;
1. You have one wish, what is it? I'd wish people would stop causing unnecessary pain on animals.
2. Favourite word? Kawaii
3. If you could live in any country of your choice, what would it be? JAPAN 100%
4. Pepsi or coke? I don't really drink fizzy drinks but if I had to choose it would be coke.
5. Celebrity crush? Ian Somerhalder or Katy Perry
6. What's the story behind your blog name? I feel like my style is very bipolar, sometimes I'll want to dress really cute - Pastel, and sometimes I like to dress really grunge/punk/gothic - Punk... Pastels and Punk!
7. If you could be an animal for a day, what would you be? The elephant in the video of the elephant painting an elephant. Or a penguin.
8. Invisibility or indestructibility? Indestructibility
9. Favourite film? I really couldn't choose one with honesty if you had me at gunpoint
10. Would you prefer a dog the size of a horse or a horse the size of a dog? Dog the size of a horse because horses freak me out.
11. Favourite type of food? Homemade quorn chicken fajitas!

My Nominees (do you ever type/say a word then be in total disbelief it exists)
 I don't know if this is against the rules but hey... I nominate anyone who wants to do this/is stuck on inspiration!

My 11 questions to you!
1. Favourite go to item in your wardrobe
2. Favourite beauty product
3. Favourite song
4. Favourite scent
5. What's your favourite blog post you've done
6. If you got picked as president tomorrow, what would your first action be?
7. Have you ever dyed your hair
8. Favourite season
9. Guilty music pleasure
10. Would you rather be a mermaid of a fairy, if so why?
11. Would you rather be a hobbit or an elf

Have fun and an awesome day!

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