Wednesday, 12 March 2014


Hey guys! (again) ♡

This is crazy, I never find the time to blog but I got up an hour earlier for uni and made 3 blog posts AND uploaded a youtube video. what?!

So ANYway.. I recently made some little changes to my room. I have this OCD habit where every few months I have to change my room around, it's always been like this but it's a little harder now because I'm in student halls and half the furniture is fixed to the wall.
Luckily I have enough stuff to fill a small junk shop! I decided that instead of moving all my furniture round at 1am because I couldn't sleep, I'd just change my desk instead.

I feel like this helps my anxiety a lot. If I tidy my room and rearrange things for some reason it makes me feel really calm and changes my overall mood to positive, which is good if you need a little boost some days.

A nifty little way of creating space when you have small objects like this is layering. Yes, like clothes, necklaces, jewellery.
Ever feel like you have 6 different favourite rings or bracelets and you just can't wear them all? Or you have so many things you want to show on your shelves but you can't?
If you plan it out properly (I know I'm making this sound a lot more effort than it is, but like I said I'm really OCD with things like this)

You can plan it so that you put smaller objects in front of bigger ones, such as my skull shot glasses infront of my books, using my small artist mannequin as a headband holder etc.
I also slightly melted a handle on one of my coat hangers and twisted it round so that it would sit on the side of my shelves, then put all my long/big necklaces on there :)
Another thing I did was using my pink box that has random things in as a place where I can keep my important stuff like keys, which I still manage to lose every morning.

Here are a few photo's just to show you what I have done and a few little DIY's for dealing with no space and too much stuff!

Thanks for reading!

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